C-PACE Financing is available in New-Hampshire and allows building owners and developers to access the capital they need to make energy-related deferred maintenance upgrades in their existing buildings, support new construction costs, and make renewable energy accessible and cost-effective.
Interest Rates 50% less than Mezz/Pref
100% Non-Recourse upon completion
100% Financing of eligible measures
Obligation may be transferred on
sale or prepaid
$500,000 – $500,000,000
All states with active C-PACE programs and continually expanding (Currently): AK, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, IL, KY, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MT, NE, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, & DC
20-30 years fixed; shorter loan terms available.
Full term; Actual / 360
Capitalized interest reserve during construction
Maximum LTV 30% for new construction/rehab based on the as-stabilized or as-complete property value.
Maximum LTV of 35 % for retrofit based on the as-stabilized or as-complete property value.
90% LTC for New Construction & Value-Add Development (C-PACE + Mortgages)
95% LTC for Maximum C-PACE + Mortgages LTC of 95 % for retrofit projects based on the as-stabilized
or as- complete property value.
Total debt to cost ratios are subject to appropriate DSCR ratios and senior lender approval
Minimum requirement of 1.25x (1.10x for multi-family) inclusive of energy savings & total debt.
Milestone-based disbursement schedule; generally pro rata with senior lender for new construction/rehab projects.
No lockout period, yield maintenance or exit fee
Tailored prepayment fees that step down over time
Non-recourse upon completion
C-PACE financing requires lender consent from any lienholder on a property.
C-PACE may be paid off at sale/refinancing or transferred with title with no restrictions